Since food is the foundation of health, that's where you'll start. The Primal Blueprint Food Pyramid is a handy guide to the Primal way of eating:
Take a minute to look at it. What do you see? What forms the base of the pyramid? Do you notice anything missing?
In a nutshell, the Primal Blueprint says: eat the foods our pre-industrial ancestors would have eaten, and avoid the (mostly modern) foods that actually undermine health. Primal eaters enjoy a wide variety of meat, fish, fowl, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and dairy products, plus a few “extras” like dark chocolate and coffee that confer some health benefits and make life more enjoyable.
On the flipside, Primal eaters avoid the “big three”: grains, added sugars, and industrialized seed and vegetable oils (canola, corn, safflower, soybean, and so on). These items are pro-inflammatory and devoid of nutrients. Unfortunately, they also happen to provide most of the calories in a standard modern diet.
Getting rid of these objectionable foods makes way for colorful, nutrient-dense, highly satisfying foods that promote optimal gene expression, more energy, and better health.