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Top 10 Longevity Tips for a Healthier and Longer Life

by Jennifer Sweenie
Last Updated: July 23, 2024

Benjamin Franklin infamously said, “Nothing is certain in life except death and taxes.” This may be true. But, some longevity tips and lifestyle changes can give us a bit more control over the former. (Sorry, but we can't help with the taxes.)

Live longer and healthier with our top 10 longevity tips.

Live longer and healthier with our top 10 longevity tips.

If it were an option, most people would choose to live as long as possible. Many people seek longevity. It's key to understanding the factors that contribute to a longer life. From lifestyle choices to dietary habits to nurturing social connections and managing stress, there are numerous strategies that can positively impact one's longevity. A multifaceted approach is key.

Before we give longevity tips to help you have a long and vibrant life, let's revisit what longevity is. If you’re seeking to optimize your overall well-being and live a long and healthy life, read on. 

What Is Longevity?

Longevity refers to the length of a person's life. Expanding on that simple definition, it is the concept of living a long, healthy, and fulfilling life. It means being able to live a full life without being hurt by age-related illnesses. Taking matters into one's own hands is tied to practices and behaviors. They boost well-being and lead to a longer and healthier life. Genetics, environment, and access to healthcare also influence a person's longevity.  

Want to feel more youthful as you grow older? Let's get into our top longevity tips for find out how!

Top 10 Longevity Tips

We cannot halt biological aging, but we can adopt tactics to slow its pace and boost our lifespan with healthy years.

As of 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the average life expectancy for adults is 76.1 years of age. According to the World Health Organization, the average human life span is 73.4 years as of 2019. If you're looking to extend those statistics for yourself, here are our top 10 longevity tips:

1. Get Moving

There’s no way around it—engaging in regular physical activity is paramount to healthy aging. If you want an increased lifespan, low physical activity will have you moving in the wrong direction. A 2022 cohort study in JAMA Internal Medicine showed that a bit of regular movement helps. Just 10 minutes of medium-to-hard activity per day could prevent thousands of deaths per year. This is for adults aged 40 to 85 years or older. A separate study published in Circulation in 2022 also confirmed that long-term exercise prevents premature death.

Anything you enjoy that gets your heart rate up, even just walking, is the perfect place to begin. Regular exercise maintains muscle mass, helps keep you at a healthy weight, and has some mental health benefits as well. Which brings us to number two on the longevity tips list.

2. Master Your Mindset

As cliché as it may sound, there is power in positive thinking. Taking agency over your thoughts can have a significant impact on longevity. By fostering a positive and tough mindset, you can reduce the harm caused by chronic distress on the body.

Studies have shown that optimism is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and is a predictor of a longer life, while pessimism is linked to decreased longevity. A study published in PNAS  in 2019  found a correlation between men and women with higher levels of optimism and a longer lifespan, and higher odds of achieving longevity.

Additionally, a positive mindset can inspire healthy habits. This helps create a healthy lifestyle and longer life. It’s next to impossible to stay positive if you don’t do the next one of our longevity tips.

3. Stop Stressing So Much

Chronic stress has been linked to a wide range of health issues, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system. It also won’t help much with maintaining a positive mindset.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology in 2009 found that anxiety predicted premature cardiovascular death, as well as all-cause death, in women of middle age. You can manage stress effectively through techniques such as meditation, exercise, and relaxation. This can lower your risk of chronic conditions and increase your lifespan.

What’s more, lower stress levels can lead to a generally healthier lifestyle, which contributes to a longer and more fulfilling life. Poor sleep hygiene is not doing you any favors when it comes to managing stress. Which is why the next of our longevity tips is an important one.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Quality sleep is essential for longevity.  It plays a critical role in various bodily functions and overall physical and mental well-being. A proper sleep schedule enables the body to repair and regenerate.

Also, studies have shown that too little sleep is linked to a higher risk of health problems. These include heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and dementia. All of these can shorten life. A lack of sleep or sleep disorders can also lead to low energy levels. Low energy levels will be a hurdle for your physical activity and can harm your mental health.

There may be too much of a good thing, however. A 2010 systematic review and meta-analysis published in Sleep found that both short and long sleep durations are associated with adverse health outcomes and an increased risk of death. Listening to our bodies and prioritizing and maintaining a good sleep routine is important.

5. Abstain From Unhealthy Habits

Avoiding harmful habits such as smoking and excessive drinking can boost your longevity. Quitting smoking is vital if applicable to you. It is well-established that smoking cigarettes increases the risk of severe health conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, and certain cancers. This can also harm health and raise the risk of early death. In other words, smoking and a decrease in longevity go hand in hand.

Alcohol intake has been associated with adverse effects on longevity. Drinking too much alcohol is linked to many health issues. These include liver disease, certain cancers, and a higher risk of early death. A study published in JAMA Network Open in 2022 found that one in eight deaths among adults aged 20 to 64 was due to drinking too much. It is best to abstain or follow the guidelines based on your sex and age set by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse.

6. Foster Interpersonal Relationships

Social connections greatly impact longevity and ward off loneliness and isolation. Cultivating strong relationships and a network of support is crucial to fostering longevity. Research has shown that people with strong social ties tend to live longer than those who are isolated. Building and maintaining strong relationships can improve your physical and mental health. They help you live a longer and healthier life. Once you form your strong social bonds, our next longevity tip should come easily.

7. Laugh More

Laughter has been linked to longevity due to its positive effects on both mental and physical health. When we laugh, our body releases endorphins, which can help reduce stress and pain. Laughter also boosts the immune system, decreases stress hormones, and improves overall mood. Additionally, social laughter can strengthen relationships and create a sense of community. This can lead to a longer and healthier life.

8. Eat Less Often and More Thoughtfully

If longevity is your goal, there’s no denying that your food choices matter. Convenience foods are not going to get you there, but healthy food choices will. Opt for healthy fats and high-quality proteins, and avoid refined sugars.

The New England Journal of Medicine found that people with high blood sugar have a much higher risk of getting dementia. Maintaining a healthy BMI (body mass index) within the recommended range is critical. It can lower the risk of developing various health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, which can ultimately contribute to a longer and healthier life. 

Calorie restriction may also aid in longevity. It can trigger many biological mechanisms. These promote cell autophagy, reduce inflammation, and boost human growth hormone. These effects can potentially delay the onset of age-related diseases and contribute to a longer, healthier life.  If you’re going to eat healthy, the next one of our longevity tips is essential.

9. Stay Disciplined

Staying disciplined means being organized, responsible, and reliable in your daily life. Research indicates that more conscientious adults tend to have better health outcomes. Discipline in areas like diet, exercise, and health can significantly impact longevity. It can lead to a longer life. And on that note, you can add our next longevity tip to your new list of healthy habits.

10. Stay on Top of Your Regular Check-Ups

Annual visits to the doctor are imperative to your overall health. Getting a thorough exam and any needed screening can prevent chronic diseases. Regular check-ups and screenings are important for longevity. They can help find potential health issues early when treatment is easier. Overall, proactive healthcare can contribute to a longer and healthier life.


Many factors affect how long you live and your quality of life. Genetics, lifestyle, diet, exercise, and stress all play a role.

To recap, here are our top 10 longevity tips to help you live longer and healthier:

  1. Get moving
  2. Master your mindset
  3. Stop stressing so much
  4. Get enough sleep
  5. Abstain from unhealthy habits
  6. Foster interpersonal relationships
  7. Laugh more
  8. Eat less often and more thoughtfully
  9. Stay disciplined
  10. Stay on top of your regular check-ups

A long list of tips for a long life may seem overwhelming. However, start with just one step and make small changes. This can have a big impact on achieving good health.

A myPrimalCoach is ready to offer support. They help with changing lifestyle factors and making new, healthy habits.

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