Food and movement are two critical pillars of health, of course, so that’s where we start with the myPrimalCoach program. However, if you really want to become fit for life and achieve optimal wellness, vitality, and longevity, diet and exercise aren’t enough. That’s where the rest of the Primal Blueprint laws come in. During the upcoming eight weeks, you’ll be laying the foundation of an all-around healthy Primal lifestyle.
- Getting enough high-quality sleep is absolutely critical. Sleep deficiencies are tied to just about every major health problem including insulin resistance and diabetes, weight gain, heart disease, and even certain cancers.
- Chronic stress is a not-so-silent killer that contributes to almost every chronic health issue. Although stress is unavoidable in the modern world, we can all take steps to mitigate and cope with stress in productive manners.
- Sun exposure is needed for appropriate vitamin D production, which is in turn required for metabolic and hormone health. Furthermore, time in nature alleviates stress and promotes mental wellbeing.